Resume Rip
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Use or Utilize This post is more for the professional crowd. I may have mentioned that I worked as a headhunter for more than thirty years. During that time, I got a lot of résumés—more than twelve thousand of them. One thing that used to jump out at me was how people tried so hard […]
Make Sure Your Résumé Isn’t Wasting My Time When companies need to hire someone, they resort to what they feel is a process that works, and all too often, it’s a black-and-white decision. It has to be. The person screening résumés has a stack of 200–400 or more applications in front of them, and they […]
Ten Best Words to Put on a Résumé A while ago, I did a post on the ten words to avoid on your résumé. You can see it here. In that article, I mentioned how many of the “go-to” words people typically use are useless. I’m including a table I used in that post to show […]
Use or Utilize This post is more for the professional crowd. I may have mentioned that I worked as a headhunter for more than thirty years. During that time, I got a lot of résumés—more than twelve thousand of them. One thing that used to jump out at me was how people tried so hard […]
Three Things Every Job Description Needs How to write a job description is something they should teach every manager, or at least the ones responsibile for writing job descriptions. It’s not that difficult. When you break it down, there are only three things every job description needs. I worked as a headhunter for almost thirty-five […]
Four Things You Don’t Need on a Job Description Responsibilities ResponsibilitiesâThe first of the four things you don’t need on a job description is a long list of responsibilities. We discussed this on a , but it won’t hurt to mention it again. No one I know of gets excited by the thought of responsibilities. […]
I have never had a placement that did not work out. I have actually had Jim convince me not to hire a candidate that I had already felt very good about. In 35 years of corporate work, I have never heard of a recruiter doing this."
Max Fiore, Sr. VP R&D
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