Cover Letter Writing

Don’t Let Your Resume Go Out Alone

Resumes are built on facts. Cover letters are persuasive tools. Together they create a one/two punch that can get you the interview.

If You Want the Best Shot at the Interview, Use a Combined No Mistakes Resume/Cover Letter.

A No Mistakes cover letter will help you get the interview.

We Offer Three Options for Cover Letter Writing

  1. Buy the book and learn to do it yourself ($7.99 for digital & $12.99 for print).
  2. Purchase a cover letter critique ($59 or $79, depending on length).
  3. Let us write your cover letter ($259).

Cover Letter or Resume Critique

Critique—this service consists of a cover-letter analysis and mark-up with notes. We’ll tell you what’s wrong and what needs to be fixed. You have to do the fixing yourself.

  • If your cover letter is one–two pages, the charge is $59.
Resume/Cover Letter

Rewrite—this service consists of rewriting the cover letter using information you provide us from a list of questions. It includes:

  • Heading
  • Organization
  • Grammar and spelling
  • Introduction paragraph
  • Sell paragraph
  • Close paragraph

 Cover Letter Writing or Resume Writing

Resume Writing
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Buy the eBook here:

| Amazon| Apple | Barnes & Noble | Google | Kobo | Smashwords | Scribd | Xin Xii |

Buy the Print Version here:

| Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Books-A-Million | You can save a lot of money by buying the book. I’ll let you in on a secret—I’m going to use the advice in the book as a template to redo your cover letter. You can do the same thing. If you still want us to do it, we’re happy to oblige. Download the questions using the link below, and then send your cover letter along with your resume and a job description.* Depending on how busy we are, it could take from one day to one week. Address it to:

Cover Letter Questions — click to download.

  • I will not write a generic cover letter. If you want me to write your cover letter, you’ll need either a job description or a list of requirements.
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