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Things Headhunters Do Wrong I know what you’re thinking—things headhunters do wrong could fill a book—and you’re probably right. But today I’m only going to tackle a couple of the main issues. In fact, let me clarify that even more—these are only main issues as I see them. And I’m looking at it from the wrong side […]
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What a Headhunter Doesn’t Tell You Working with headhunters can be beneficial, helpful, troublesome, and frustrating. And sometimes all of these can be rolled up into one experience. The best way to deal with headhunters is for both parties to be honest. The problem is that not all job seekers—or headhunters—follow that rule. I’ll cover […]
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Working With Headhunters Headhunters are hated by some, revered by others, but mostly viewed with indifference—a ubiquitous necessity. A part of doing business. I’ve been a headhunter for 30 years, and I can tell you the reception I’ve received from candidates has run the gamut—from a warm, pleasant “Let me close the door,” comment, to […]
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Should I Tell A Headhunter My Salary? This question often brings strong opinions, on both sides of the fence. I’ve seen advice stated firmly for and against, and I’ve seen some of the experts waffle on the issue. If you’ve followed this blog for long, or you’ve read my resume book, you know I don’t […]
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Exclusive or Not? I often have candidates ask me this question: “If you can’t help me to locate a new position, can you recommend someone?” My answer is always the same. “I might be able to help you, but your best bet is to find half a dozen or more headhunters you trust and see […]
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Dealing With Headhunters Iâve been doing this headhunting business for more than 30 years. Iâve even managed to pick up a few bits of wisdom that I can pass on to you. Most of it is common sense, but for some reason many people forget about common sense when it comes to their careers. If […]
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