No Mistakes Resumes

Warning: Reading this book could get you a new job. 

 Keep your resume out of the trash!

  • Discover the secrets to a perfect resume.
  • Learn the 3 most important parts of a resume.
  • Find out how to get the hiring manager’s attention.
  • Learn which sections of your resume can send it to the trash.
  • Uncover the magnificence of the perfect cover letter.

You’ll find all of this in No Mistakes Resumes. If you’ve ever wondered why you didn’t get called for an interview—when you knew you fit the job—this book explains why.

What makes me qualified to write this book?

I’ve been a headhunter for more than 30 years, and I have evaluated, screened, and edited a gazillion resumes. I know a gazillion sounds like a lot, and maybe it wasn’t quite that many, but it was a lot of resumes.

I see people make the same mistakes over and over again—mistakes that keep them from being considered for the jobs they want. That’s why I wrote this book—to help people get the jobs they really want.

So what are you waiting for? Want to know how to get that interview? Get the No Mistakes Resumes book. (It’ll cost you about 2 cups of coffee.)

No Mistakes Resumes. Change your life today! 

Danger! This book contains sarcasm, humor, and damn good information.

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