
A Resume For Each Job

We all know you should tailor a resume to the specific job you’re applying for. At least I hope you do that. If not, it might be the reason you don’t get more calls for interviews.

I know it’s a pain to write a resume for each position, and I understand the frustration. That’s why I’m here to take the pain away.  Read More…


How To Move To the Top of Headhunters’ Lists

Most candidates shoot off their resume to headhunters without giving it much thought. After all, it’s just a headhunter, right?

It’s true, we are just headhunters. But what many candidates don’t realize is that headhunters are gatekeepers, too. And just like our HR counterparts, we have a trash can sitting next to the desk (actually on the desktop). Read More

How Much Are You Making?

Why is it that this is one of the first questions headhunters ask?

They don’t really ask this first, but I realize that, to some of you, it might seem like it. There is a method to the madness, though, and there is more than one reason why they ask.

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The Most Confusing Words On A Resume

I’m going to delve into a little bit of grammar here, but don’t be afraid; I won’t go too far. We’re not going to diagram sentences or discuss split infinitives or any such nonsense. All we’re going to do is talk about the…Read More

The Worst Resume Mistake You Can Make

There are plenty of candidates for inclusion as the worst resume mistake—after all, resumes are rife with mistakes. But one mistake tops them all. Which one?

Not Being Honest About Dates

I don’t know how it happens, but it seems like otherwise rational, honest people unravel when it’s time to write a resume, and they fill it with lies.

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The One Question That  Ruins An Interview

Most HR representatives and headhunters agree on one thing: that few candidates arrive at the interview prepared to answer the one question that is almost always asked, “What is your greatest weakness?”

Although the question is seldom phrased like that anymore, it doesn’t matter how they word it because the response has to be the same. The interviewer wants you to tell them your weakness, where you need to improve, where you’re not as strong in technical skills or management experience, or something.

Candidates get flustered with this question more than any other, and for no good reason.

I’ll Let You In On A Secret…

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The Myth of the One-Page Resume

 Your Resume Must Be One Page!

How many times have you seen, or heard, that advice? If you’ve been looking for a job, or even paying attention to the career market, you’ve probably seen it a lot.

And if it isn’t advice about the resume, it’s more than likely—your cover letter must be one page. I hope you don’t lose any sleep over that, because it’s garbage.

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