Resume Writing

How Many Times Have You Sent Your Resume to a Company…

and Never Heard Back From Them?

You fit the job perfectly…so why didn’t they call you for an interview?

If You Want a Resume That Will Be Read and Reviewed by an Actual Human, Give No Mistakes Resumes a Try.

  • We make sure your resume won’t get snagged by the ATS.
  • We show you what sections to eliminate.
  • We make your accomplishments shine.
  • We ensure the formatting is right.
  • We eliminate mistakes.

A No Mistakes resume will help you get the interview.

We Offer Three Options for Your Resume

  1. Buy the book and learn to do it yourself ($7.99 for digital & $12.99 for print).
  2. Purchase a resume critique ($59 or $79, depending on length).
  3. Let us write your resume ($259). [Limited time offer. Normally $299]

Ancient Rome resume with commentsCritique—this service consists of a resume analysis and mark-up with notes. (see example on right) We’ll tell you what’s wrong and what needs to be fixed. You have to do the fixing yourself.

    • If your resume is two pages or less, the charge is $59.
    • If it is more than two pages, the charge is $79.

Resume or Cover Letter Critique

Resume/Cover Letter

Rewrite—this service consists of rewriting the resume using information you provide us from a list of questions. It includes:

  • Formatting
  • Spacing
  • Alignment
  • Organization
  • Grammar and spelling
  • Company descriptions
  • Dates
  • Responsibilities
  • Accomplishments

Resume Writing
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Buy the eBook here:

| Amazon| Apple | Barnes & Noble | Google | Kobo | Smashwords | Scribd | Xin Xii |

Buy the Print Version here:

| Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Books-A-Million |

You can save a lot of money by buying the book. And I’ll let you in on a secret—I’m going to use the advice in the book as a template to redo your resume. You can do the same thing.

If you still want us to do it, we’re happy to oblige. Download the questions using the link below, and then send your resume with any additional information to:

Depending on how busy we are, it could take from one day to one week.

Resume Questions — click to download.


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